20 minutes to establish
- Max reps Bodyweight ring dips
- 1 rep max weighted Ring Dip
Score is max reps + max load.
10 min AMRAP
Buy in: 800M run
Then as many rounds and res as possible of:
10 Kettlebell snatches, 1.5/1pf
30 sit-ups
Post score and rounds and reps to comments.
Just me and Cori this morning. Max reps was 15 and weight was 70#=85 total
then 4 + 28 on the WOD.
Did 3 total miles on the street including the 800 in the WOD
For the love son, what is chasing you that you run so???
Holiday calories Puma!!!
tomorrow's wod is:
Compare to 9/12/13.
EMOM for 10 minutes perform one unbroken max effort set of Chest-to-Bar pull-ups. (Your set ends when you drop off the bar.)
10 min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts, 275/185
10 push-ups on your barbell
20 lateral hops over your barbell
Post max C2B pullups and rounds and reps to comments.
skills; 3+11 mod.
42.5# weighted dip+8 BW# = 50.5
Only 1 rd + 22 reps RX on the WOD but I was happy with a 3:25 800m run
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