Thursday, December 19, 2013

Muscle Ups and WB

As many Muscle Ups as possible in 15 minutes.


Every Other Minute On the Minute (EOMOM) for 15 minutes
Max effort wallball shots. Get as many wall balls as possible each minute. This will be 8 rounds of wallball shots with a minute rest between each round.

Post # of MU and wallball shots to comments. 
Compare to 9/13/13.

Row into the New Year with Carport CrossFit! Starting at midnight 12/31, we will begin a 24-hour continuous row. We will keep one Concept2 rower going for 24 consecutive hours. Completing this will be a team effort and everyone is invited to take part. More details coming soon!


Cori said...

Well i was terrified of this wod. I've been struggling coming back into things....i lost so much of what i had gained due to my back injury. :( i truly was hoping for a score of 160. I am happy to report i got 191! That's not too far off of BTB's last I'll take it. :)

I rowed before the wod, then did the mu after the wb. Did 5 min of mups, then did 1mu a min every min for 10 min. Ten mu total. Not to shabby with this ten pound weight vest hanging off my butt.

Cori said...

Oh, and I'll share the advice i gave Shane...this is the type of thing that makes your membership invaluable folks! Here it is...are you ready?
"once the muscle up has left, it is gone"
It doesn't get much better than that! Lol

Puma said...

Is the absence temporary or permanent?

If has not yet "arrived," is there hope still of its eventual arrival?

Cori said...

it will arrive eventually! :)

tomorrow's wod is:

compare to 5/31/11.

5 rounds for reps of:
1 min HSPU
1 min DU
1 min rest

Score each round by multiplying HSPU and DU. Total of all rounds is your final score. Post scores to comments.

20 HSPU x 50 DU = 1000
10 HSPU x 30 DU = 300
0 HSPU x 99 DU = 0
5 HSPU x 5 DU = 25
10 HSPU x 15 DU = 150

Unknown said...

25 total MUs which went down from last time but increased to 225 on WBs!

3 miles of running

Unknown said...

Skillz with Josh
And 224 around 20 short of last time but still little sleep and cookies today .)