Wednesday, November 13, 2013


15 minutes to establish a max Overhead Squat

- then -

3 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders
20 Toes to bar
10 OHS, 95/65

Post load and time to comments.


Cori said...

125# 1rm (wasn't smart...stopped there)
7:49 wod rx

bill said...

Cori - I hear you....that's why I adopted my new master's lifting motto - lift to live another day.

Unknown said...

I did 215# this morning which was my 3 RPM so not very good there.

on the WOD I did decent with a 5:55 time. On pace to do better but the TTB went away.

Jennifer said...

70# OHS and 17:something on WOD. Complete DU failure. Ugh

Cori said...

baby it's cold outside!
dress warm, morning folks!
tomorrow's wod is:

15 minutes to complete
Run 1 mile
70 Wallballs 20/14
50 pull-ups
30 pistol squats

Post time or reps completed to comments.

Amber said...

I brought Kimberly Drew to the gym this morning to do this WOD! I did not max on OHS, just did some practicing. 65# feels ridiculously heavy. For the WOD, I did 40 lateral hops over a 35# bar, 5 TTB, 15 sit-ups, 10 OHS 35#. 7:49
It was fun to be back in the gym. I sure do miss everyone!