Thursday, November 14, 2013

Run, WB, Pullup, Pistol

15 minutes to complete:
1 mile Run
70 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Pullups
30 Pistol Squats

On 3-2-1-GO, everyone runs a mile. When you return to the gym start on WB's. Complete as many reps of the chipper as you can in the allotted time. Post completed reps to comments. If you complete the entire chipper, note your time and pat yourself on the back!


Unknown said...

How'd you guys do this morning?
That looks pretty tough.

Brooke said...

Are all your am'ers still frozen to the one mile course? :)

Jennifer said...

I've got a reception to go to tonight so I am going to miss out on this super fun looking WOD. Durn.

bill said...

It was very chilly willy this a.m. But that didn't slow STB (Shane The Beast) at all - He finished the darn thing! Way to go Shane!
Cori asked us before the WOD what our plan was for the pistols...I told her I didn't have plan for pistols because I didn't plan on getting through wallballs - and darned if I wasn't right - 61 reps was my score. Shane figures one would have to run a sub 7min mile to have adequate time to complete this chipper. I know this for can't drag bottom around that course and come up with a 9 min mile and finish the chipper. All in all - a good WOD.

Unknown said...

This was a tough one and the pistols almost released the gates of Mr. Puckie!

I did a 645 mile and then had just a smidge over 1 minute to do the pistols and finished in 14:56.

My assesment is like Bill said, you need a strong mile time or be one heck of a wall baller and pull up person.

After all the pull ups and TTBs I had to stay on 5s the hole time-kipping motion went away and I looked more like a dangling monkey hanging on for dear life!

Puma said...

I am awestruck. To finish this WOD is indeed impressive. Well done Shane for setting the bar high.

Brooke said...

Holy Moly! That is soooooo awesome Shane! Great job!!

Oatie said...

Shane, I am convinced you're not human! Lol

Jennifer said...

Shane. WOW! Way to go!

Cori said...

I was there! I saw it! I have never, ever, ever seen anyone do pistols that fast! It was amazing! Great job Shane!

Unknown said...

thanks guys! I am sure someone from the evening crew will come in and smash my time! Good luck and have fun with it!

Eddie Allen said...

Holy cow I was just going to jump on and say I have had too much life going on and am sorry I have bailed the last couple of days but I sure ain't sorry I bailed TODAY! Way to go brother Shane!! Hope to see the 5:15er's tomorrow.

Puam said...

8:26 mile/77 total reps. Fun but challenging workout.

EA can really run. Shane, you'd better watch out for her.