Monday, November 25, 2013

2RM Hang Clean + Jerk

15 min to establish a 2RM Hang Clean (below the knee) + Jerk


15 min AMRAP
30 Overhead BB Lunges 115/75#
10 Burpees

Post loads and rounds and reps to comments. WOD courtesy of Outlaw CrossFit 131120.


bill said...

115lbs on 2rm hpc
2 rounds + 38reps on wod with 75lbs…
Maria in stereo this morning - Shane at one end and Cori at the other.

NTB….where you been?

Eddie Allen said...

Holy crap I must not have been doing something right. My leg muscles below my gluteus maximus (sp?) are already waaaay sore. (Coach..What stetches do I need to do so I can walk tomorrow??) 125#'s on 2 rd HPC and 1 jerk. Bill just nabbed me as I hit 2 rounds + 37 reps with 75#'s.

Cori said...

eddie, i just tried to type out some stretches for you, but dude....i don't think i can take bill and shane making fun of me b/c the description sounded like i was trying to get you in pretzel pose. i'll try to see what i can find on youtube.

and, bill, i had no idea maria came out today. i thought i was pretty should have been there on friday for the ball slams.
p.s. i actually think the maria you heard was your wife...she let a few fly today! :)

Sandy said...

Cori, After Bill had already typed the above I told him the Maria might have been me; I didn't hear you make a sound. Just want you to know I stood up for you!

Unknown said...

Yes this work out pulled everything out me!

I hate to be discouraging but it sucked! Super hard for me that is.

3 rds plus 20 reps, and a lot of GROANS! Think my groan total was actually higher than my WOD total

bill said...

Sandy may have cut loose with her version of maria but believe me ...after 2 years + I know your maria when I hear it Cori. Shane was the first to go maria and when you started Cori I thought you were messing with Shane and then I got tickled which probably cost me a full 3 rounds....(not likely).

Unknown said...

Bill it is a good thing you were not there the last WOD Cori and I did together with the ball slams. It sounded like an adult video in there I am sure..... :)

Brooke said...

Yall are soooooo funny!! Watch out then cause both Cynthia and I in the same class this evening is going to make for some MAJOR Maria in stereo! Ha ha!

The Raulstons said...

Oh goodness - this gonna be a doozy and I am sure everyone will want me and Brooke to just be quiet!

Eddie Allen said...

I certainly hate to ask this question simply due to fear of ridicule. But anywho.....who is Maria?? Someone in my office smells of Icy Hot...and I am in here all alone!!

bill said...

Maybe you just got a whiff of the latest ice cream flavor you all are working on Eddie ;0/

Cori said...

"Maria" is Bill's nickname for me, Eddie. It is after the tennis player Maria Sherapova (sp) know, the one that makes really loud grunting and yelling noises every time she hits the ball!? Similar to the sounds I was making on Friday during those ball slams.

Eddie Allen said...

Now I see said the blind man. I just thought you and Shane were making fun of me on Friday!! And coach in lieu of the pretzel pose I am just snaking on some pretzels...and maybe a beer later on. Wow I am sore.

Jennifer said...

All this talk of soreness is making me super excited about the WOD tonight.

bill said...

Eddie-10 squats every 1/2 hour seem to be doing the trick so far

Sandy said...

This is some major comment frenzy! Love the interaction, you guys keep me laughing!

Unknown said...

well yall are just gonna have to think of what the male version of the name can be because I cant be called Maria.....

And there will be more workouts wear max exersion leads to noises...

Oatie said...

I am still quite under the weather so I will be missing this...running yesterday may not have been my best idea :-) I am hoping to get a WOD in b/f I head south for turkey day!

The Raulstons said...

I am with you Jen - I am mostly just scared based on these comments!
Shane - you may need to come up with a nickname and try to get someone to use it - Maria seems like a fun nickname for you until you can shake it:)

Cori said...

How about "Maria"?! ;)

Where long socks and pants tomorrow, people!

Tomorrow's wod is:
Complete this cycle 2 times for total reps.
2min Row for calories
30 sec Rest
2min Double Unders
30 sec Rest
2min rope climb (each climb = 10pts)
30 sec Rest
2min Burpee
30 sec Rest
2min Box Jump (24/20)
30 sec Rest
Post total reps to comments.

bill said...

Did we enter a time warp?

Oatie said...

U mean "wear" coach? :-)

The Raulstons said...

I now understand all of the above comments- that was brutal. Eddie- if you were doing it wrong, so was I! Those muscles are shot:-)

Jennifer said...

Soreness is slowly setting in and I only did 35# on lunges. I was ALL OVER THE PLACE! Hello.
65# max on C&J