15 minutes to establish a 3-rep max Weighted Pullup
- then -
10 minute AMRAP.
3 Chest-to-bar pullups
3 Overhead Squats, 95/65
6 C2B pullups
9 C2B pullups
12, 15, 18.... continue climbing the ladder for the entire 10 minutes.
Post load and reps to comments. Compare to 8/8/13.
28 1/2lbs on 3 rep max pull-up (When Coach Cori explained that the kip has to be opposite rythym from the weight dangling from my waist I had an ahaa moment - but then that's why you'll never see me on 'dancing with the stars'.
77 reps at 65 lbs for the WOD.
83# on the pull ups. 129 reps on the work.
Great WOD!
109 reps@55#. Didn't do the weighted pullups. And i didn't do rx weight in the wod b/c i was scared....or i should rephrase that as cautious. :)
Cori- I would use the words reasonable, prudent, and ramp:)
Super, super, super excited about the WOD tonight. I did all OHS unbroken and that is by FAR the best I have done with OHS with that much weight. My knees felt okay and I was to depth. Yay! C2B were one at a time at the end and I wish I had started on the low bar, but still happy:)
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