15 minutes to establish max reps Overhead Squat, 95/65. Total of your best 3 attempts is your score.
3 x 1 min rounds for max reps Lateral Hops. Rest 1 minute between rounds.
15 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
As many Lateral Hops over barbell as possible in time remaining.
Post total reps of your best 3 OHS attempts and total lateral hops to comments.
65lbs - 16 OHS reps
65lbs for WOD - 146 JOB
Thanks for being willing to take on mornings again Cori.
Hope your first shift back at the plant went really well Drew -
Good morning Kimberly Drew...a beautiful orange and blue Auburn sunrise to wake up to today!
1st I have to say, what great form in that photo for this WOD! Ha!
63 OHS-little confused on this part
172 lateral hops
You know Shane that is good lookin form! That also looks like one of your private morning training sessions ;0)
Bill I think you are right! I want to say it was a Wednesday probably??
Bill's comment about orange and blue sunrises, reminded me of the real meaning behind the old, familiar saying: "Red skies at morning, Auburn takes warning. Red skies at night, gives Auburn fright."
Touche P - that's a good one!
Tomorrow's wod:
7 rounds for time of:
3 Shoulder to Overhead, 185/135
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Clapping Push-ups
From home: Rx 73 reps, 120 hops.
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