15 minutes to establish a 3-rep max Deadlift
10 minute AMRAP. Using 50% of your 3-rep max DL, climb the following "ladder" as high as you can!
1 Deadlift
2 Toes-to-Bar
3 Deadlifts
4 Toes-to-Bar
5 Deadlifts
6 Toes-to-Bar
7 Deadlifts
8 Toes-to-Bar ... etc.
Post load and total reps to comments.
by Michael Stanwyck
Did you ever stop to wonder if there was actually a good reason to read? I mean, a good reason aside from learning, getting inspired, or relaxing. What if reading actually did something for your mind?
Something very interesting about reading is that aside from all of the casual or professional reasons you know you do it for, there are actually brain development benefits to doing it as well. The benefits of reading come from the mental gymnastics that it requires. Reading stimulates several areas of the brain at once. It hits your frontal lobe, responsible for reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotion, and problem solving, your parietal lobe, which manages movement, your occipital lobe, which handles visual processing, and your temporal lobe, which takes care of perception and recognition, as well as auditory stimuli and speech.
When you read, you are actually giving your brain a workout. Reading is brain training! Not just for learning, but for living. It also may surprisingly have a positive impact on your health. According to this article from the New York Times, people who are good readers have been found to have better health. This may, according to a new study, be because in spite of any environmental insults, people who read have a greater level of "cognitive reserve." Even with environmentally related brain damage, people who read fared better than those who didn't! They had built up more brain power, so they had more to lose!
Now, here at the Whole Life Challenge, so we're not just going to ask you to read as a physical exercise. Your job for the next week is to read to inspire yourself, stimulate yourself, excite yourself, relax yourself, or otherwise make a holistic contribution to your own life. Read something that reboots your body, mind, or spirit. Something that sets you up for the day, or helps you unwind at the end of it. It's really up to you to say what is "meaningful." Mental exercise? Definitely. Personal development? Sure. Imagination building? Do it. Relaxation? No better reason.
Your next Lifestyle Challenge, starting Saturday, October 12, is to spend 10 minutes each day reading something meaningful or inspiring.
- You may read from any source you like, but it must be something that you consider meaningful.
- Like your mindfulness practice from this week, you must go straight through without stopping. Read for 10 continuous minutes.
- Your reading can be uplifting, inspiring, motivating, educational, or relaxing. If sitting down and reading a catalog for 10 minutes helps you unwind at the end of the day, you could actually count that.
Try setting your intention for the week. What would you like to get out of this lifestyle practice?
You could choose not just to read a book, but this book. You might decide that you are going to read three or four uplifting or inspiring blogs every day. You can learn something this week that you've been wanting to learn for a long time. Creating an intention and fulfilling it through this practice will make a much bigger difference than just making sure you read the paper on the bus on the way home.
good WOD this morning! Grip goes away pretty fast.
365# was 3 rep max
11 rds completed plus 18 on the work
Also, like to welcome a new carporter to the AM class named Josh. He told me use to be a regular in the morning but I cant remember that far back... :)
haha! everyone did great this morning, and the ladies in the 6a class dominated the 3RM! :) happy PR day to tonya and nichole!!
I wish I were there doing this WOD, but NOLA is better :) Jonathan and I ran a 5K yesterday around the perimeter of the quarter through all the smoke, funky smell and interesting people. Just did a running, squatting, burpee WOD in Audubon Park in the Garden District. Ready for the night now!
Yes great WOD this morning! 155# 3RM which was my previous 1RM a couple of months ago.
tomorrow's wod:
10 rounds for max reps Handstand Pushups
30 sec HSPU
30 sec Rest
15 minute AMRAP.
Run 800M carrying two 25#/15# plates with a pinch grip. With time remaining, complete as many Overhead Lunges as possible. Use only one 25#/15# plate for OH lunges.
Post reps of HSPU and OH Lunges to comments.
165# 3RM, 85#/straight leg situps, 185 reps.
355# 3RM deadlift
112 reps RX
That's me with a smile on my face for new PR
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