10 min AMRAP of:
10 SDHP, 2pd/1.5pd
20 sit-ups
30 jumping lunges
Post max loads, rounds and reps to comments.
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 72 burpees!
When we did the WLC this Spring, these Homemade Larabars were my saving grace! I love sweets and was so happy to find this website. If you are craving sweets, this is the HEALTHY place to go! There are lots of recipes that are WLC friendly here, some are not. I hope you will be able to find something you enjoy!
65lbs 15 rep OHS max - my goat
rx on wod - 4 rounds + 30 reps
Missed Josh and Shane this morning and we are STILL missing our Sheenoozer!
I have a strong feeling I will be walking sideways down the stairs tomorrow! Jumping lunges for me equals YOWZERS on my quads! :)
45lbs 15 rep OHS max.
5 Rounds on the wod with 1pd KB.
Tonya! Way to go! Excellent...particularly on the amrap are right on the money girl. I'm going to the courthouse to get a disabled parking placard this afternoon in anticipation of what I know is surely to come.
I asked Drew to be thinking about WODs that can be done from crutches.
Miss some depth with BW a little shakey at the bottom and top of the movement . Time under load is key to success in this movement . And leg strength :)
The AMRAP was a good push but the real work was done in the front of the AMRAP
So go for it
I agree with Brooke! Glad to be back- happy with my max - OHS my worst lift. 75#, 5+18
Tomorrows wod is:
3x 10 min round is 1mile run then as many ground to overhead as possible in time remaining. Post g to oh reps completed to comments
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