Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1 mile Run + GTO

3 Ten-minute rounds for max reps. Each round consists of a 1 mile run plus as many Ground-to-overhead (115/75) as possible in time remaining. There is no rest between rounds. Rounds will begin at 0:00, 10:00, and 20:00. Clock stops at 30:00.

Post total reps of ground-to-overhead to comments.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 73 burpees!

Write them down. Hang them on the wall. You'll check back on these in 8 weeks. Wanna know what to do? Gotta know where you're going!


Unknown said...

I love it when there is a monster rabbit that set the level high for the rest of the day. And to do it all by himself. The Wed group is almost more classes than athelets that attend :)

Unknown said...

I did my own run this morning. It was brutal thanks to those jumping lunges.

Brooke said...

Would love to remotely TRY to chase that hare this evening, but fall baseball is upon us! Go Huskies! :)
Bill, oh my beyonce!! ha ha!

bill said...

I just have two things to say today....
1. I concur with Brooke and Tonya on the 2 B's - Beyonce and Brutal
2. I LOVE Wednesdays
Actually 3 things-
3. You da man Shane, out there all alone.... deserted, in the dark, with the dogs

Unknown said...

This morning was fun because I got to WOD with the COACH! got 51 on the reps of ground to overhead. Run split times were 655/800/832.

Split reps on ground to oh were

Unknown said...

I like how monster rabbit just freely gives the game plan out for the whole community. With split times and everything. That is some good data
If anyone runs that down they will get the rabid dog award :)

Jennifer said...

Bad week for me. Life keeps getting in the way. Hope to make it tomorrow!

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod:

EMOM for 10 minutes perform one unbroken max effort set of Chest-to-Bar pull-ups.
10 min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts, 275/185
10 push-ups on your barbell
20 lateral hops over your barbell.