Monday, August 26, 2013


Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1

Post max loads and total to comments. Compare to 12/20/11.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 57 burpees!

The Whole Life Challenge isn’t about trying to compete, win, or get it perfect. It’s a practice in making small, personal, incremental changes in your daily life that stick... for days, weeks, months and years to come. USE THE CODE: WLCRYGaNthJH to join the Carport CrossFit WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE and SAVE $5!


Unknown said...

The million meter baby is going fast another 10 days and it is over. Hopefully before the baby is here.

bill said...

165 - 100 - 265

Unknown said...

I like how Bill refrained from blogging how he got motivated to go faster than he likes but I know if he did it would be funny and light hearted

bill said...

It took me until 5:55 to figure out why we were in such a rush......I was thinking 'why is Coach in such a hurry, it's only 9 movements. We should be done by 5:40. What will we do for the last 20 min'? Now I get it.
See there.....without Eddie around to partner up with I'm lost.

On a side note - knowing all the young pups are sore as well from Chelsea makes me feel reaaal good!

stacey said...

Talk about bull-doggin' through a WOD:

Hi guys! Thinking about you all!

Oatie said...

I'm ready to get back to work @ the box tonight!

Unknown said...

This was new to me and maybe I wasted time??? Worked up on the CT to 925#s.


219 DUs which was a record for me and 36 in one round.

Unknown said...

On DUs :) thanks million meter baby
I had to get serious to find my best ( of the day ) in 30/35 mins, but I did.
Getting my meters in early today. I feel like a real endurance athlete. I like it. All but the weakness that is goes with the way I am doing it.
Not whining, just blogging

Good to read some post from u Gordon, the bulldogging bill was getting was not so cute. That is why I like to call it motivation

Puma said...

C'mon Shane: I expected to see a half ton from you buddy! Seriously, good job. That's impressive.

Unknown said...


Everything has gone up except my shoulder press.

Cori said...

tonya, it has been my experience that the shoulder press is fairly difficult to increase unless you specifically train that strength element. it took a year for mine to increase 5#. just my experience. :)

tomorrow's wod is:

15 min to establish a 3RM Jerk
800M intervals
Sub 3 go at minutes 0-4-8-12
Sub 4 go at minutes 0-5-10
Sub 5 go at minutes 0-6-12

Oatie said...

a couple of big PR's for me... #100 on the back squat & then #185 on the DL! I enjoyed this workout a lot, it was a great one to get back into the gym with :-)

Judy Ranelli said...

PR on deadlift, much less than PR on the others.

Puma said...

280 BS/140 SP/355 DL = 775#

102 DU's

Jonathan said...

295bs/125sp/385dl=805 total
13 single doubles was best round, 3 was worst