Friday, July 19, 2013


10 minute AMRAP of
5 Handstand Push-ups
25 Double Unders

Post rounds and reps to comments.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 19 burpees!


Amber said...

8 + 23 (UB on rounds 1,4,8, and start of 9th)
5 Dumbell Push Press, 35#
25 DU

19 Burpees :)

Unknown said...

12 rds + 3. 9 total rds unbroken of DUs. Did today's and yesterday's burpees

bill said...

8+11*(one foot singles)

Unknown said...

Will be rowing over the 400000 M mark today. Going to make all weeks burrppeeee up for M.E. that means an all out sprint of 86 :)
14+2 most all rounds unbroken

Unknown said...

I am pooped from last night's WOD, but what a great sweat, love it! Thanks Drew for pushing me to get sub-30 even if I was only squat cleaning 45 lbs. and doing half TTRs./sit-ups. That was a perfect MOD!

Unknown said...

I am pooped from last night's WOD, but what a great sweat, love it! Thanks Drew for pushing me to get sub-30 even if I was only squat cleaning 45 lbs. and doing half TTRs./sit-ups. That was a perfect MOD!

Unknown said...

Libby u were going hard. It is always fun to watch someone put forth there best effort. I did not see much of that yesterday. Longer WOD can get that way.

Cori said...

double unders sucked macie would say "they went down the window"...i just couldn't get the rhythm.

Cori said...

oh, and i did yesterday's burpees but i forgot today's...
guess i'll make today's up tomorrow, along with tomorrow's.
y'all confused yet?

Brooke said...

Coach Cori, I sure would love to see what you could do if you "got the double under rhythm". Uh, you got 13 plus rds! :)
BIG HUGE YAAAAYYYYY for Libby and her double unders!! They looked amazing!! Way to work, Libby!!