Saturday, February 16, 2013

Open Gym @ 10am

8am - CrossFit 101
10am - Open Gym
3pm - Prelims for Whole Life Challenge


Puma said...

Back Squats: 5-5-5-5-5


Thankful for the encouragement from Brian Keen.

Worked on DU's.
New PR: 13 consecutive

Cori said...

Hey wlc participants...four comments about the challenge so far:
-it was really easy to enter my stats from my phone!
-my biggest hurdle the first two weeks will be my water consumption.
-i downloaded a water consumption tracker for my phone that was free. You might want to look into that if water consumption will be one of your problems too. It has a reminder feature also!
- if you are going to use stevia, make sure it doesn't have dextrose in it. Dextrose is the same stuff in other artificial sweeteners like equal and sweet and low.