Friday, November 16, 2012

FOOTBALL FRIDAY - "Fumble Drill"

AMRAP in 20min
Run 50M
20 ball slams (30/20)
Run 50M
10 wall ball shots

Keep your ball with you the whole time. If your ball hits the ground at any time other than the ball slams, you do 5 burpees. Try not to fumble the ball!

Post rounds and fumbles to comments. Compare to 9/29/11.


bill said...

20# slamball - 9 rounds + 20 b slams
This is a dooozie....never thought I'd say this but I found myself looking forward to the 10 wallballs each round for a rest.

stacey said...

Work called this am...
Lucky me!

bill said...

Lucky ducky. You would have killed this though Stacey because of your great cardio.

Eddie Allen said...

Sandy and Bill Rock n Rolled this morning!! 8+20 with the only fumble in the class! Everyone have a great weekend.

stacey said...

Good cardio maybe, but wall balls be my nemesis!

Unknown said...

It was definitely tough. My legs are still shaking. Everytime I squat down at work I can certainly tell I worked. I did a 10# slam ball with 8 rounds + 4 wallballs.

sheena said...

i overslept. i'm sure no one is surprised.

bill said...

I'm surprised

Cori said...

No way Sheena!!!

Kista said...

I know I was there, I know I used the 12# ball but I have no idea how many rounds. I'll have to wait til the picture goes up.

I also know that I cradled that ball like a newborn baby (aside from all the slamming and tossing) to keep away from burpee penalties.