AMRAP in 20min
Run 50M
20 ball slams (30/20)
Run 50M
10 wall ball shots
Run 50M
20 ball slams (30/20)
Run 50M
10 wall ball shots
Keep your ball with you the whole time. If your ball hits the ground at any time other than the ball slams, you do 5 burpees. Try not to fumble the ball!
Post rounds and fumbles to comments. Compare to 9/29/11.
20# slamball - 9 rounds + 20 b slams
This is a dooozie....never thought I'd say this but I found myself looking forward to the 10 wallballs each round for a rest.
Work called this am...
Lucky me!
Lucky ducky. You would have killed this though Stacey because of your great cardio.
Sandy and Bill Rock n Rolled this morning!! 8+20 with the only fumble in the class! Everyone have a great weekend.
Good cardio maybe, but wall balls be my nemesis!
It was definitely tough. My legs are still shaking. Everytime I squat down at work I can certainly tell I worked. I did a 10# slam ball with 8 rounds + 4 wallballs.
i overslept. i'm sure no one is surprised.
I'm surprised
No way Sheena!!!
I know I was there, I know I used the 12# ball but I have no idea how many rounds. I'll have to wait til the picture goes up.
I also know that I cradled that ball like a newborn baby (aside from all the slamming and tossing) to keep away from burpee penalties.
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