oooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! what a nasty wod this fine tuesday morning! good job to the a.m. folks for setting the bar high!
as far as rope climb can do 3-1 beginner rope climb. if you don't have a rope, can you tie a towel or sheet to a pullup bar? or if you have the capabilities to tie a rope to a very heavy kettlebell, you can sit on the floor and pull the kb 15 ft towards you. if you do that, i might do 2 to 1 as it is still a scaled version. unfortunately, i don't know of anything else if you can't do those things. hopefully coach drew will chime in on this one.
i was just looking at that cute pic of brooke on the blog, and it made me really want to wear my footy pajamas into the gym tonight to do this wod. it would be soooooooo comfy!!!!!!
Scaled WOD
DOUBLE UNDERS - count your attempts
BOX JUMP - varies sizes available. We will help you choose the right box for you.
BURPEE - everyone can burpee so no scale needed
ROPE CLIMB - climb 10ft, 3 beginner rope climbs
What is a good sub for rope climbs?
oooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! what a nasty wod this fine tuesday morning! good job to the a.m. folks for setting the bar high!
as far as rope climb can do 3-1 beginner rope climb. if you don't have a rope, can you tie a towel or sheet to a pullup bar? or if you have the capabilities to tie a rope to a very heavy kettlebell, you can sit on the floor and pull the kb 15 ft towards you. if you do that, i might do 2 to 1 as it is still a scaled version. unfortunately, i don't know of anything else if you can't do those things. hopefully coach drew will chime in on this one.
Nasty WOD indeed-kicked my butt from the start!
4 rounds + 3 DU. (1 rope climb, rest were BRC)
18 Burpees for Days 3,4,5,6
3 Rounds + 4th set of Double Unders with beg rope climbs
i was just looking at that cute pic of brooke on the blog, and it made me really want to wear my footy pajamas into the gym tonight to do this wod. it would be soooooooo comfy!!!!!!
4 rounds and halfway up the rope. Ugh.. should have had 5 plus on this one. Jumped on 20 inch box.
Drew 6 rounds and on the rope but not the top.
5 rounds + half of burpees
6rds + 11BJ
preggo modifications:
jumping pullups for doubleunders
steps ups instead of box jumps
walrus burpees
push ups instead of beg rope climbs
4 rounds plus 6 jp's
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