5rds for time:
Run 400M,
5 Muscle-Ups (sub for MU is 15 pullups and 15 dips)
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Compare to 8/25/11.
CrossFit Cheaters Anonymous by Dawn Fletcher.
Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
12:27, 1muscle up per round
MUCH better than last time. :)
Thanks for putting the link up to look back at previous scores/times for the WOD.
You're welcome!
15:33 - 3:1 MUP
14:04 rx
1 mu per round
my first cf wod with muscle ups! yay!
also, dave got 2 muscle ups tonight AFTER the wod! he did the muscle up progressions in the wod, and we worked with him at the beginning to make sure he was maximizing the mup to really train the transition. so for all of the mup haters: BOOYA!!!!!!!!!!!
sub 14min (1/2 bent arm MU)
YAY DAVE!!!!!!!!
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