Brooke learned to ride her bike this weekend!Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Tabata Something Else, Rob Miller [wmv][mov]
Big Dawgs and Pack:
As Rxd
Cut the work in half!
Do three rounds of work:
Pull ups- Assisted or Beginner pull ups
Push ups- Box or wall push ups (Not knee push ups)
Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX
Looks like a nice wod. see you guys tonight
yay brooke!
Mr. Watson I am starting to think U are picking out WODs that are in your wheelhouse.
Still waiting for meemaw meatloaf recipe to post!
Family secret, would have to kill you.
264 w/ jpu and game pu
tried to maintain 8-10 on every round. Worked fine except on push ups. Will try more next time
175 girl pushups,ring rows
CF101 10! 9LB dumbell push press, 26LB KB
Yeah for Brooke!
311. Z
Drew 471 Rx
THX to John for counting and Dave for running the WOD
the hieroglyphics on the floor from z & mark were too much. if U are not an experienced gamer then the score keeping Coach Cori does is better.
320rx. Ok Drew I looked at the wod and said to myself if I have to miss a day this week it might have well today. Meow
260, pull-ups(ring rows). When meemaw came over to get me out of bed this morning, she gave me her meatloaf recipe. The greater the wod the harder it is to get out of bed the next day. For soreness, drink water and run 3 miles, make it 5 miles.
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