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10 curb hops => 25 M Sprint => 25 M Back pedal
Medicine Ball Run:
Teams of 7 or 8 athletes use 5#, 8# and 16# medicine balls. Mark a starting line, place each of the balls 15 yards apart in a straight line away from the starting line, in the following order 16#, 8# and finally the 5#. 1st athlete - Sprint to the 16# ball pick it up sprint back to the starting line; turn and sprint to the 8# ball pick it up sprint back to the starting line; turn Sprint to the 5# ball, turn and sprint to the starting line. 2nd athlete sets the balls out in the same fashion. Continue gathering and resetting the balls until each team member has had one turn.
Rest 5 min
Med Ball Run in reverse order. 1st athlete - Sprint to the 5# ball pick it up sprint back to the starting line; turn and sprint to the 8# ball pick it up sprint back to the starting line; turn Sprint to the 16# ball, turn and sprint to the starting line. 2nd athlete sets the balls out in the same fashion. Continue gathering and resetting the balls until each team member has had one turn.
Cash out:
Max push ups in 2:00
Post team times and totals to comments (and anything else you would like to post).

1 comment:
i love the pic of the person face-planted in the grass. ha!
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