Pick a med ball. Name it. This is your friend for the entire workout. No matter what, do not put it down. There is a 5 ball-slam penalty for every time you set it down.
3 minutes of wallballs
3 minutes of step ups
3 minutes of lunges holding the ball overhead
3 minutes of good mornings with ball held overhead
3 minutes of reverse burpees
Run 400 meters with the ball
Score is total time in seconds minus reps. Lowest score wins. (Total time will include the timed rounds plus the run. So, 15min plus however long it takes to run the loop.)
first games wod:
CrossFit Games Open 11.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches
The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg
woot! love it!
when are we going to run the games wod?
we're thinking saturday? we'll get you more info today or tomorrow. we'll post it on the site. you're going to KILL this wod, paul! :)
Cori - I won't be able to participate this Saturday. Would you either consider running the games WOD sometime during the week instead of, or in addition to, on Saturdays?
My friend is a 20# red wall ball.
my friend is a pink 2# hand weight. bahahahah! just kidding. i'll pick the 4# hand weight. :)
ed - we will accomodate everyone. we just have to figure out a game plan! i'll keep you posted.
ed - will friday night work? or are nights off totally? what if we opened on sunday, if push comes to shove? basically when is your availability?
I can't do it Saturday either.
I have no friends
Lol @ Russ. I'm the same way. If I actually lived in the same city as a gym, any day would be good.
Are you going to compete via video?
friend day was ROUGH! my friend was the 10# ball and my shoulders are smoked! we had to adjust the good mornings b/c it wasn't good form to do the good morning wiht the ball overhead. we did front squats instead. i can't remember my score. i am too tired to care right now.
i am impressed with alex's tenacity...he said his friend was the 20# ball and he stuck to it!
I'm competing with CrossFit 27:17 in Jackson. Did the Open WOD tonight, 4 rds + 11 snatches. It was a lot more difficult than expected, and I was trippig over the first couple rounds of DUs.
I think my score was 746. Good job to Alex and Mitch for going 20#, I chickened out with 14#.
Will- we did some snatch practice for the wod and got a taste for how nasty it is going to be. Great job on your rounds.
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