Thursday, October 19, 2017

Push Up for Points

10 rounds (15sec on, 45sec off) for points.
1pt - knee push-up
2pts - plank push-up
5pts - dip
10pts - HSPU


Two 2:30sec rounds for total KBS. Rest 5 minutes between rounds. 
0:00 2 Burpees then ME kbs, 1.5/1
0:30 4 Burpees then ME kbs
1:00 6 Burpees then ME kbs
1:30 8 Burpees then ME kbs
2:00 10 Burpees then ME kbs

Deduct 1pt from score for any Burpee not completed. Post push up points, total KBS, and the sum of the two to comments.

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