Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Max Snatch

15 minutes to establish a 1-rep max Snatch (compare to 1/18/16)


11 minute AMRAP of ground-to-overhead, 75/55. Every minute on the minute do the number of Burpees that match the minute hand on the clock.
0:00-0:59 - 0 Burpees, ME GTO
1:00-1:59 - 1 burpee, ME GTO
2:00-2:59 - 2 Burpees, ME GTO....

Score is (load) + (total reps including Burpees). Post max snatch, total reps, and score to comments.

CrossFit - Snatch - VIDEO
CrossFit - "Teaching the Snatch" with Josh Everett - VIDEO


Alex Dussaq said...

115#/130 Rx

Judy Ranelli said...

95# power clean max x 1.

95 reps, sub hpc @ 55, sub ball slams @ 30

= 190