Monday, October 10, 2016

The Incredible Ladder

40 minute AMRAP:
1 round of Incredible Hulk
Run 400M
2 rounds of Incredible Hulk
Run 400m
3 rounds of Incredible Hulk
Run 400m
4 rounds of Incredible Hulk
Run 400m
5 rounds of Incredible Hulk
Run 400m
.... continuing for 40 minutes.

One round of Incredible Hulk consists of 5 dead lifts, 5 hang cleans, 5 front squats, 5 push presses, 5 back squats. Post rounds and reps completed to comments.

Rx - 135/95
Porch - 115/80
Pack - 95/65, 30 min AMRAP
Pups - 65/45, 20 min AMRAP 

1 comment:

Judy Ranelli said...

Pack = 65# for 30 minutes, sub rowing 500m. Score 200. That was a truly hard workout!