Friday, November 6, 2015

FOOTBALL FRIDAY - S2O, BS / plyo-push-up, RR

5 minute AMRAP
3 Shoulder to Overhead, 185/135
5 Ball Slams, 30/20

Rest 3 minutes

5 minute AMRAP
10 Plyometric pushups
10 Supine Ring Rows [DEMO VIDEO]

*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the floor, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the floor to hand on the plate.

Post reps to comments. Compare to 10/25/13 and 11/7/14.


bill said...

95lbs-48 reps/80 reps
Nothing but the Will and Bill show this morning. Will succumbed to the humidity this morning and went shirtless - I decided to keep my shirt on so as not to intimidate him🏋🏼

Oatie said...

Got in a nice little hotel gym burner this am...
10 min EMOM
4 DB 1 arm alt snatches #25
4 OH lunges
4 rounds
20 seconds on 10 seconds off of;
Alt DB snatches
Jump rope
Now onto family fun !