Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Run, DL, DU

Three 5-minute rounds for reps:
Run 800M
20 DL, 205/155
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post reps for each round to comments.


bill said...

After 1st 800 completed 20 DL unbroken at 145lbs and got 2 DUs....ha! But due to to poor execution on rep #20 I got a catch in my giddy up and did not do anymore lifts but completed the remaining two 800s. As I was the only (sole, one, single, solitary, lone) Carporteur present this a.m. Brian ran this with me...or rather I should say ran this ahead of me. Coach Drew was also present but was deep into the gorilla glue.

I did try out your muscle up apparatus P and I must say that thing is the cats pajamas!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

15 minutes to establish 3-rep max Push Jerk


10 rounds for time of:
205-lb. front squats, 5 reps
5 parallette handstand push-ups

Post load and time to comments. Compare to CrossFit.com 150309.

Puma said...

I just hope it gets me a muscle-up Bill!