Tuesday, December 30, 2014

C2B Pull-ups, OHS

Chest-to-bar pull-up ladder

Rest 5 minutes

1/2 body-weight overhead squat ladder
For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed for each exercise to comments. Compare to CrossFit.com 141223.

1 comment:

Carport Crossfit said...

Scales WOD courtesy of BrandX

Big Dawgs
As Rx’d
Strict chin-over pull-up ladder
5:00 rest
Overhead squat ladder, 30%-40% body weight (limit 12-15 minutes)
Pull-up ladder (limit 12-15 minutes)
5:00 rest
10:00 EMOM
3-5 overhead squats, PVC-45# barbell
If you have real trouble with the overhead squat, go with the Pup scaling regardless of whether or not you scale the pull-ups. Focus on maintaining external rotation of the shoulders, keeping the shoulders engaged, driving the knees out, and keeping the chest up and staying on your heels throughout the movement.