Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shoulder to Overhead x 2

15 minutes to establish 2-rep max Shoulder to overhead


3 x 3 minute AMRAP with 1 min rest between AMRAPs
10 OHS 115/75
30 DU

Score = (load x 2) + (reps)
Pack: 95/55, DU attempts
Pups: 65/35, DU attempts

Post score to comments.

Footwork on the split with Chad Vaughn - [video]

1 comment:

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

5 rounds for load x reps
Every 7 minutes complete:
Max Reps Bench Press (with load of your choice) immediately followed by
60 sec to complete as many passes through the 3-box box jump series as possible.

Jumping over boxes is allowed. Each pass through the box jump series equals 1 rep. To score each round, add your bench press reps to the number of passes you completed. Multiply that sum by the load you pressed.

Scoring examples:
200#, 20 reps BP, 9 passes in 1 minute

300#, 1 rep BP, 9 passes in 1 minute

Post score for each round to comments.