For total WB reps
00:00 - run 1 mile, ME WB
10:00 - run 800M, ME WB
15:00 - run 400M, ME WB
18:00 - run 200M, ME WB
20:00 - row 250M, ME WB
22:00 - row 500M, ME WB
25:00 - row 1000M, ME WB
30:00 - row 2000M, ME WB
40:00 - end of the WOD!
Athletes have 10 minutes to run 1 mile and complete as many WB as possible before starting the 800M run. At 10:00, athletes run 800M and complete as many WB as possible. At 20:00 athletes will get on the rower and row/WB in the same fashion.
Athletes have 2 options in this WOD:
1 - choose where you want to start. Athletes may do the WOD as written or row first (2000,1000,500,250) then run (200,400,800,1mile).
2 - choose how long to workout. If athletes would like to stop at the 20:00 mark, they may. In this case, they would either run (1mile,800,400,200) or row (2000,1000,500,250).
Post total WB to comments.
Decided to take some time off this week due to tweaky back. Might see y'all tomorrow evening.
40 10lb WBs during run portion of WOD. No WBs during first 2 portions of row..we left shortly thereafter. radiator was deployed from the get-go this morning.
Eddie and Emery owe Lindsay big time. She had to carry the bacon this morning to keep the 'Carporteur eatin' canines at bay during the mile - thanks Lindsay!
Tomorrow's WOD is
Complete 5 rounds: Each round lasts 2 minutes, during the round complete:
4 Power Cleans - 185 lbs
Max Rep Ball Slams 30 lbs
*Rest 1 minute between rounds
WOD courtesy of CrossFit Football. Post total ball slams to comments. Compare to 9/7/12.
This definitely looks like a workout that would force radiator deployment.
Can't believe I've missed two days this week. Work retreat starts at 7 down in Hoover on thurs and fri of this week.
61 wall balls. Did the rowing.
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