Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weighted Pull-up

15min to establish 1-rep max Weighted Pull-up


For time:
49 Pull-ups
7 OHS, 185/115

Score is (time in sec)-(#pullup). Post score to comments. Compare to 2/5/14.

MIND GAME by Emily Beers

1 comment:

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

For time:
500M Row
125 DU*
30 Deadlift, 225/155
30 Toes-to-bar
30 Deadlift, 225/155
125 DU*
500M Row


Optional Time BONUS!
5 minutes to complete an 800M run.
The clock will count down from 5:00 to 0:00. The time remaining on the clock when you finish your 800M run is your bonus! Subtract that time from your WOD time for your final score.