pups 35#, air squats, 6 + 7 Instead of trying for a max OHS Coach Drew had me do a stretch for 5 minutes that is hard to describe, but involved laying on my back, on a foam roller, with my arms overhead and my hands around the bar I used for the WOD. I think it was something like a medieval rack torture device. Then another 5 minutes sitting in the squat holding onto the pullup rack thingy. I think I am going to be sore tomorrow.
65#/5 rds + 4
100# 3RM
Just finished my FIRST EVER 5:30 a.m. WOD at the carport. Fun to see how the a.m.'s live.
Good job P! And what a bummer we missed that first ever 5:30 a.m.er ;0(
WHAT??!!! Puma at the morning class!! Wow! I know everyone enjoyed having you there, David.
Way to go Riley man!!!
Tomorrow's WOD is
150 Wallball shots for time. 20/14
15 min to establish 1-rep max thruster
Thanks everyone!
pups 35#, air squats, 6 + 7
Instead of trying for a max OHS Coach Drew had me do a stretch for 5 minutes that is hard to describe, but involved laying on my back, on a foam roller, with my arms overhead and my hands around the bar I used for the WOD. I think it was something like a medieval rack torture device. Then another 5 minutes sitting in the squat holding onto the pullup rack thingy. I think I am going to be sore tomorrow.
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