Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Max Hang Snatch

Ever wonder why we do SO MANY handstand movements at Carport CrossFit? CrossFit is "functional fitness" but there is no time in my daily life that I have to get upside down to do anything. So why do we spend time on this movement? Read OUTLAW CONNECTIVITY DOCTRINE to find out why it is so important to learn how to do a handstand.
1.) Perform 1 Hang Snatch every 90sec for 15 minutes. Heaviest load possible.

2.) Max handstand hold (against the wall)

3.) Tabata DU. Lowest round is your score.

Overall score is (#snatch)+(time in sec)+(DU).


bill said...

Hated to miss yesterday. You miss a day you miss a lot.
95lbs on muscle snatch routine
1.29 max handstand -
4 Dus was my min on tabata
Good to have coach Drew join us as a 'carporteur' today - I enjoyed it!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

15-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Front Squat, 155/105
Burpees over bar


3 rounds for reps.
1 min ME rope climbs
1 min rest

Score is time in seconds minus 10sec for every rope climb completed.

Amber said...

Sandy, you are about to break the 100# mark!!! WooHoo!!

Oatie, your handstand hold was ridiculous! Way to go!

Hang Snatch:

Hand Stand: 65sec

Tabata DU: 15

Oatie said...

I am shooting for 5 min. next time Coach! Maybe Sat. am :-)