15 min to establish Max Hang Snatch (just above knee)
10 rounds for time of:
5 C2B Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
15 Jumping Air Squats
Post max load and rounds and reps to comments. WOD courtesy of Outlaw CrossFit
The Hook Grip with
Stephane Rochet - video [
ipod] [
mov] [
HD mov]
Max hang snatch 100 lbs
Rx 12.19 on WOD
During the first round I was thinking the hrpups would be an option for a split second breather......not so. Those ended up being the most taxing of the three movements. I believe for the first time in a long time I emptied my tank on that one (not as in mr pukie but energy/calorie wise). You see there Coach...every once in a while I will put out-I just don't make it a habit.
Good to meet Alex's younger bro Zach this morning. Zach hung in there for 10 good rounds!
Max hang snatch 55 lbs. That's a PR for me and one that has been deluding me for over a year! Thanks for the good coaching, Brian!! Just did 7 rounds with jumping chest to bar pull-ups - 8:52.
I meant eluding me, but maybe deluding is also accurate. :-) I should have proofread that before I hit publish.
I was good with deluding
I give up....who is that handstands on the beach? I'm thinking Amber or Brooke and I'm pretty sure it's not P.
It's the Brooker!
Tomorrow's WOD is
15 min to Establish a 1RM Deadlift.
*Have fun, but don’t take more than 3-4 heavy attempts.
1) 1 set ME UB Ring Dips*.
*If you have Muscle-ups, do those.
2) 1 set ME UB Double-Unders (redo if miss occurs before 20 reps).
3) ME UB Wall Balls 20/14# (stop if you get to 150, note time).
265 max dl
2 MUs
3 (three) DUs
26 WBs
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