Monday, April 7, 2014

Max Hang Snatch

15 min to establish Max Hang Snatch (just above knee)


10 rounds for time of:

5 C2B Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
15 Jumping Air Squats

Post max load and rounds and reps to comments. WOD courtesy of Outlaw CrossFit 140324.

The Hook Grip with Stephane Rochet - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]


bill said...

Max hang snatch 100 lbs
Rx 12.19 on WOD
During the first round I was thinking the hrpups would be an option for a split second breather......not so. Those ended up being the most taxing of the three movements. I believe for the first time in a long time I emptied my tank on that one (not as in mr pukie but energy/calorie wise). You see there Coach...every once in a while I will put out-I just don't make it a habit.
Good to meet Alex's younger bro Zach this morning. Zach hung in there for 10 good rounds!

Sandy said...

Max hang snatch 55 lbs. That's a PR for me and one that has been deluding me for over a year! Thanks for the good coaching, Brian!! Just did 7 rounds with jumping chest to bar pull-ups - 8:52.

Sandy said...

I meant eluding me, but maybe deluding is also accurate. :-) I should have proofread that before I hit publish.

bill said...

I was good with deluding

bill said...

I give up....who is that handstands on the beach? I'm thinking Amber or Brooke and I'm pretty sure it's not P.

Amber said...

It's the Brooker!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

15 min to Establish a 1RM Deadlift.

*Have fun, but don’t take more than 3-4 heavy attempts.



1) 1 set ME UB Ring Dips*.

*If you have Muscle-ups, do those.

2) 1 set ME UB Double-Unders (redo if miss occurs before 20 reps).

3) ME UB Wall Balls 20/14# (stop if you get to 150, note time).

bill said...

265 max dl
2 MUs
3 (three) DUs
26 WBs