Friday, March 28, 2014

Workout 14.5

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
65-lb. thrusters

MASTERS MEN - includes Masters Men 55+
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
65-lb. thrusters
MASTERS WOMEN - includes Masters Women 55+
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
45-lb. thrusters

This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. Using a ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. Every second counts in this workout. Your score will the the time it takes to complete all 168 repetitions. There is no time cap for this workout.
This workout ends when the feet land on the other side of the bar on the final rep. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do not round up. If you finish in 14:34.8, your score is 14:34.
Post time to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open. For complete workout standards, video and scorecard click here.

Watch Archived Footage of Rich Froning, Sam Briggs, Jason Khalipa, Annie Thorisdottir and Graham Holmberg on Workout 14.5


Sandy said...

Bill and I had to miss this morning. We are keeping our grand babies this weekend. So since we couldn't be at carport you guys need to post your results on the blog- that is assuming you didn't all over sleep this morning!!

Oatie said...

I am going to take on this beast tomorrow in open gym, when I have PLENTY of time :-)

Puma said...

Posted scores for men are already ranging from 8:00 min (Froning) to 58:00 min. WOW!!!

Unknown said...

20:25 and a visit from mrs. pukie to top it off

Sandy said...

Ooh, EA! I am thinking 20:25 is an excellent time, but the Mrs. pukie is not! I think I will try to go slower and hope to keep her away!

Oatie said...

When I watching them last night, all I could think about was "WOW, I just want to finish AND not puke!"...EA, you have me concerned even more now, sister!!!! You killed it though, on the bright side :-)

Amber said...

Oh, man EA!
Oatie, I'll be running it tomorrow too.i think you're going to surprise yourself.
My goal is to finish in under 20 minutes.

bill said...

EA and Mrs PK - excellent time and way to hang with it!