Monday, February 17, 2014

Singles, Burpees, Box Jumps

EOMOM for 10 minutes perform max reps Single Unders.


10min Burpee/box jump ladder, 24/20
Minute 1 - 1 Burpee, ME box jumps
Minute 2 - 2 Burpees, ME box jumps
Minute 3 - 3 Burpees, ME box jumps
Minute 10 - 10 Burpees, ME box jumps

You must complete the assigned Burpees for each minute to continue. Score is minutes completed times box jumps completed.

Post singles completed and score to comments.

Addiction to Conviction, by Lauren Lax


Carport Crossfit said...

Scoring example:
Min1 - 1 Burpee 10 bj
Min2 - 2 Burpees 10 bj
Min3 - 3 Burpees 10 bj
Min4 - 4 Burpees 10 bj
Min5 - 5 Burpees 10 bj
Min6 - 6 Burpees, 0 bj
Min7 - 7 Burpees, 0 bj
Min8 - 8 Burpees, 0 bj
Min9 - x
Min10 - x

Score = 8 Burpees x 50bj = 450

Sandy said...

604 singles; score of 830 on the burpee/box jumps

bill said...

Sandy, Nichole and Shane made my 440 SUs look pretty puny.
830 on burp box j

Unknown said...

did 382 DUs and 720 score on the wolf pack-increased box to 30 inches

Amber said...

Somebody's getting ready for the Open... :)

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

EMOM for 10 minutes perform for perfect form
1 3-position snatch grip DL


2min row for calories; 30 sec rest
2min max reps of toes-to-bar; 30 sec rest
2min row for calories; 30 sec rest
2min max reps WB; 30 sec rest
2min row for calories; 30 sec rest
2min max reps push-ups; 30 sec rest

We will do a staggered start if needed. Post sum of all reps and calories to comments.