Thursday, January 9, 2014

Snatch, OHS

EMOM for 10 min
1 Snatch, 75% max snatch from 10/21/13
2 OHS 


3 x 2min AMRAP
5 hang snatch, 135/95
10 ball slams, 30/20
20 lateral hops over the bar

Post snatch/OHS load and AMRAP reps to comments.


Eddie Allen said...

I didn't bail on Brian this morning!! He did a great job being patient with my less than perfect snatches. Good to be back but sure miss Bill, Sandy and Shane.

Unknown said...

Eddie you did great brother...especially considering he fact that you have been out several days! Martin Luther, the church reformer, once said that the greatest sin against god is not that we make a mistake but that the shame of the mistake would prevent us from doing the next right thing.

Unknown said...

Great to see that you didn't let yesterday's shame trip you up from a great performance today!

Unknown said...

And Nichole knocked out two consecutive negative splits on the 2nd and 3rd rounds. She was just warming up! Coach Drew, I think we should have given her a bonus round or two!

Amber said...

75# on skill work

145 reps on AMRAPs
1+6, 1+14, 1+20

Unknown said...

Reading brother Brian's post makes me want to train in the am :)

Oatie said...

Way to go with positive splits Coach Amber!! You never cease to impress me!!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

For time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Partition pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats as needed. Post time to comments.

Amber said...

Thanks Oatie! Each round I felt a little more coordinated. It's silly but lateral hops are challenging right now!