Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rest Day


bill said...

Hey morning peeps. Once Sandy and I relented and got some meds we are finally starting to beat back this respiratory flu scourge. We have never had anything like this and Lordy I hope we never do again. We plan to be back at the Carport this coming Thursday morning. By then we should be able to do 10 push ups without falling out.

Puma said...

Get well soon Bill and Sandy!!!!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

Leaderboard WOD - "Nate"
20 min AMRAP
2 MU
4 hspu
8 kb swings, 2pd/1.5pd

Carport Crossfit said...

Starting this week, morning classes will be combined into a single morning class at 5:30-6:30am. The class will follow the same 45min time format as before and allow for 15min of optional "open gym" time.

Amber said...

Gosh, that has been a tough bug to beat! I'm glad you two are feeling better. See you soon!

Oatie said...

DAGGUM Bill & Sandy, I am glad you're on the mend but I hate that you have been so sick!! I know everyone will be very happy to see you Thurs. am

Cori said...

Glad y'all are feeling better!