Friday, January 3, 2014

OHS x 5

Lindsay Keen

30 minutes to establish
5 rep max OHS and max consecutive DU


Tabata Toes-to-Bar

Score is max load + DU reps + total T2B. Post score to comments.
Example: 200# + 100 DU + 50 T2B = 350


Unknown said...

Alright, I will not be in town on Monday or Tuesday but starting next week I got to have my morning people back! Worked out with Brian this morning and was 1 rep shy of having the same score on this WOD

185/94/51 missed the 5 OHS at 205# on the 5th rep coming up.

bill said...

We'll be back next week although it may not be until Thursday

Eddie Allen said...

I'll be back next week brother!

Puma said...

Saw where Chris Spealler got a new Clean PR at 300#. He said: "Finally got it; in 2006, 300# was my PR deadlift." If Spealler is still improving after 8 years of Crossfit, then surely I've still got a lot of new PR's ahead, right?!

2014: the year of the MU.

bill said...

I believe in you P! You can do it!

Amber said...

You can do it, Puma! Work on them twice a week. MUPs with feet on a box is the ticket to learning the hip drive needed to do a real MU.
Here is a great tutorial by Jason kahlipa

Unknown said...
