Friday, January 31, 2014

MU, Max Watts

20 minutes Muscle Up practice


5 attempts at Max Watts Row
Determine how much power you can put into the rower. Each attempt should take only a few pulls. On each attempt, continue pulling as long as your WATTS are going up. Once you've hit your max, hop of the rower and let the next athlete have a try.

Post comments on MU practice and max watts to comments.

For MU practice, I recommend:
- 30 MU for time
- 20min max reps MU
- EMOM skill work. Athletes can select the skills they want to practice. 

Here are some video tutorials that will help you learn or master the MU. Each of these coaches takes a little different approach to teaching the MU. I encourage you to watch the videos and discover some new things to practice. You never know just which tip or trick is going to the one thing that makes it all "click"! Enjoy! 

The MU with Jason Khalipa
Getting Better at the MU w/Russell Berger
MU Drills w/Austin Malleolo
MU Progressions with Carl Paoli


bill said...

15 MUs
466 row for watts...I now understand why this is called WATTS- it stands for "Wire Arse To The Seat". I came clean off the seat on the first go and nearly twice again.
Thought I'd lost my MUs over the last 3 months but I managed to find them.
Ol Shane was knocking out multiple MUs even with Maria hanging onto his neck. Way to muscle thru 30 Shane!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mr. Bill! Got through the 30 MUs at about 14:45. Attempted a few bar MUs and failed.

On the WATTS deal hit 717 at my best. And yes the seat almost flew out from underneath me.