EMOM for 10min
1 squat clean, 75% max
2 front squats
3 rounds for max reps:
1 min front squat, 95/65
1 min box jump, 24"/20"
(No rest between rounds.)
Post load and reps to comments. Compare to 11/12/13. http://carportcrossfit.blogspot.com/2013/11/max-clean.html?m=0
Proud of Nichole for braving the elements and coming on into the Carport and throwing up a big 90+ reps for the evening crew to try to chase down. Way to go girl!
I have also realized that my engine feels like a moped in the am! Gonna take awhile to get used to the am WOD but excited about the opportunity and thankful to get a chance to spend some time with all of the AM folks!
Yay, Nichole! We hope to be joining you again soon. We have really been battling the flu. Hope to see you, Brian, by Monday. Way to start your mornings off in the coldest temps possible!! You may grow to love the am's yet!
Tomorrow's WOD is
3rds for max average watts
2min row for max avg watts
4min rest
Tabata double Unders
Score is total of all 3 rows plus double unders.
Score = (watts)+(watts)+(watts)+(du)
35lbs, 104 reps.
The most squats was30 the most BJ 16 for a 111
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