"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" from Santa and the Christmas Elf
EMOM for 10 min for total of all successful lifts
1 Squat Snatch (1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS okay)
3 x 2 min AMRAP of
30 lateral hops over bar
10 push-ups on bar
Rest one minute between Amrap's
Post total load of all successful lifts and total reps to comments.
For those of you who don't know, I am the "elf" who left the gum behind. Unfortunately, I rarely remember to take my gum out before the middle of a wod when I'm about to suck it down my throat. I know that was gross, and I apologize to everybody for leaving that nasty surprise behind. Thanks, Josh
Haha....josh, you have a new nickname now! :)
Way to be a man and admit it Josh! Look forward to seeing everyone tonight.
Josh I would have never seen it though if no one would have shown me...Too busy seeing the STARS from the head rushes!
Great skill session with the 515 group and little more with Nicole and Cori after as well.
427 reps on the AMRAP. Real gasser!
At least you were honest, Josh!
Shane, good GRIEF! 427 reps? Seriously?! Makes me out of breath just thinking about all of that!
Total lbs on skilz-675
Total reps on WOD-@270(Can't remember exact count at this point)
No worries Josh...I've been using that gum to help keep my snatch grip tight in the 515 - a pinch between my forefinger and thumb and that puppy stays put!
tomorrow's wod is:
15 minutes to establish
- max rep consecutive chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 1RM weighted C2B pull-up
Score is reps x load.
Tabata KBS (1.5pd/1pd) immediately followed by tabata toes-to-bar.
Post c2b pull-up score and total tabata reps to comments.
AWESOME workout w/ Coach Drew tonight! Really kind of glad I got him 1 on 1 for some work on my lifting form... I hope I did you proud coach :-) Lifted @ #55 first 2 res, then added #5 to finish it out, however I missed on the final (I think my shoulders were just tired). I think I had 273 on the AMRAP.
35#, more than both of my cats weigh together! WINNING
Only 135 reps, but proud of my pushups off the bar.
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