Friday, December 13, 2013


150 Wallball shots for time. (Men-20#, Women-14#)

 Post time to comments. Compare "Karen" times to 8/21/09,  8/1/12, 1/18/13, and 110206.


Eddie Allen said...

Sorry to bail but still a little puny. Jonah ran at the Crossplex last night as well. That place is sweet. Just woke up from a nightmare that Cori was leaving! (I'll try harder coach...pinky swear!!) Everyone have a great weekend.

Eddie Allen said...

Sorry to bail but still a little puny. Jonah ran at the Crossplex last night as well. That place is sweet. Just woke up from a nightmare that Cori was leaving! (I'll try harder coach...pinky swear!!) Everyone have a great weekend.

bill said...

masters rx (9' mark) 9:33 - I think that mat be a pr for me

Unknown said...

Take care of yourself Eddie! Good day in Carport. Did a mile and a half warm up then 6:53 Karen, PR for me. Then 2.5 miles after.

bill said...

Dad burn Shane, 2.5 miles! I tried just a little jogging inside the Carport after the wod to keep the lactic acid demons at bay and my knees said - hey!!.... where you think you're going old man.

Oatie said...

Great picture of Autumn!! Way to go girl and Happy late Birthday!! :-)

Amber said...

Thanks, Oatie!

Eddie, where does your son go to school?

I did a quick workout before picking up the girls from school.

5 x One continuous set of
3 presses, 1 push press, 1 jerk

After each set I did 10 jumping ring dips, max reps consecutive du, 20 air squats. Du weren't looking too promising at the start. During my warmup I could only get 4-6 in a row... Ha!

Press # - 55, 65, 70, 70, 70
Du - 30, 32, 14, 52, 51

Puma said...

10:19 RX