15 min to establish max Clean
3 rounds for reps of:
1:00 ME Front Rack Barbell Step-ups, 20″ box 95/65#
1:00 ME C2B Pull-ups
1:00 UB Handstand Hold
Post load and reps to comments.Note: The HS hold is meant to be performed completely UB. Perform a 10 Burpee penalty (AFTER the entire piece is completed) for every time the HS hold is broken within each 1:00 interval.
145lbs max clean
rx 36 reps....that was tougher than it looked on paper
I am just now getting back feeling in my left hand from those handstand holds. The 515a class made it look like cake, but rest assured, it sucked. :) haha
It was great to have brooke AND brian join the 6a class!
I have no idea what my score was...74 maybe? But i only did 35# step ups. :)
Yes I wish I would have had my book and pen to get autographs from the evening super stars that graced us this morning!
Brian was making the Cleans look too easy!
235# was all I could do but limited to the ability to squat clean correctly.
81 reps total
I was reminded of several things this morning- first, you morning wodders are amazing, I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that yall do that kind of work in the mornings. before sunrise. before coffee. And, I was reminded that if I EVER think to myself "oh, that doesn't look too bad", or, "oh, I will just "rest" during the handstands", go ahead and shoot me now. Cause, uh, I got 2 PENALTIES during the hand stands!! Yes, that is right, 2 penalties, 20 smackaroo burpees. My shoulders literally GAVE OUT.
No PR for this little lady this morning. Thank you, but I will now go back to my evening wods. :)
tomorrow's wod is:
15 min to establish max OHS
40 du
20 TTB
10 OHS, 95/65
Crazy as it sounds, I liked that WOD! Then Jennifer convinced me to TRY a 3 mat HSPU.... AND I GOT IT! Something new to work on :-)
I will be back tomorrow night! (Dental School lab work has been keeping me at the school from 7a-8pm each night). No fun!
210# Clean;new PR.
32 reps Rx on WOD
85# clean (new PR)
Did 35# step ups, ring rows and no penalties on handstands!
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