Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Run, Burpee Pullups

3 rounds for max reps
6 minutes to run 800M and complete as many burpee pullups as possible.
Rest 1 min
Post total reps to comments.


Brooke said...

Happy, HAPPY Birthday Rachel and James!!

Jonathan said...

Happy Birthday guys!

Unknown said...

Good WOD this morning! 80 burpee pull ups and good to see THE PUMA this morning, with a special appearance!

Puma said...

I'm going to come more often in the a.m. Not only did I get to see Shane, Riley and Casey, but I also got a new back squat PR: 285# x 2 reps.

Puma said...

I'm going to come more often in the a.m. Not only did I get to see Shane, Riley and Casey, but I also got a new back squat PR: 285# x 2 reps.

Ray Ray said...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Watch out world, James and I both got our driver's license!!!

bill said...

Happy birthday Rachel and James and thanks for the heads up on the driving - we'll keep our eyes peeled!

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod is:

EMOM for 10 minutes, using 60% of max Clean, perform
1 Clean (pause 3 sec at the bottom)
2 Front Squats

- then -

7 min AMRAP
30 DU
5 T2B

Casey said...

Come on Puma! Good to see a new face in the morning!

The Raulstons said...

Happy Birthday Rachel and James and congrats on the licenses!!!