Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ring Dip x 5

15 minutes to establish 5RM Ring Dip

2 x 5 min AMRAP. Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs.
50 Wallball shots, 20/14 [VIDEO]
100 Double Unders
As many Muscle Ups as possible
Post max load and total reps to comments.
This pumpkin spiced almond butter is amazing on apples, pancakes, bananas, chocolate squares, muffins or by the spoonful. So good!

Author: Kelly from Primally Inspired
Serves: Makes a little more than 1 cup
Prep time:
Total time:
  1. Add ingredients to a food processor (you can mix by hand, too, although it won’t get as creamy if you like it creamy) and process until desired consistency is reached.
  2. Enjoy!

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