Perform a snatch from 3 different starting positions consecutively. The positions and order can be changed depending on the needs of the athlete and the training objectives. Most common would be floor, hang and mid-hang. For technically proficient athletes, start low and work high to increase fatigue and limit the distance and time available to accelerate the bar in order to improve second pull power. For athletes learning technique, start high where the athlete will be more comfortable and work low to add in more complexity. Coach will determine the best order for each athlete.
3 position snatch 155# missed the 3rd at 165#
12+7 on big bitsy
I am having to take this week off/easy, as I jacked my hammies on Friday. Hope to see y'all on Monday though :-)
Yes Oatie I was stiff after all that bending the hip and running pretty potent stuff that looks like a big hunk of cake :)
Agreed Oatie! This is the first day I could even think about going to the gym.
85# on snatch
12+10 on WOD
tomorrow's wod is:
5 rounds for time of:
3 Hang Power Cleans, 185/135
6 Push Jerks, 185/135
9 Ball Slams, 30/20
School is interfering with my training. See y'all next week :(
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