by Cynthia Raulston
Having enough available protein to choose from is always a challenge for us so we have to prepare in advance. One great way to do this is to use your slow cooker if you have one. The rotisserie chickens you buy in the store are expensive OR have all sorts of WLC prohibited spices on them. We buy whole organic chickens from Costco for about $10 per chicken. Put it in a slow cooker (remember to remove anything that is inside the cavity of the chicken) with the breast side down, cover with EVOO, salt, pepper, and whatever spice you want. Turn it on HIGH for 6-8 hours depending on the size of the bird. You have a whole cooked chicken with very little effort.
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tomorrow's wod is:
15 mi to establish max Clean and Jerk
5 rounds for max reps using 50% of Max C&J
30 sec Hang Squat Clean
30 sec Push Jerk
30 sec T2B
30 sec Rest
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