- then -
5 rounds for max reps using 50% of Max Clean and Jerk
30 sec Hang Squat Clean
30 sec Push Jerk
30 sec Toes to Bar
30 sec Rest
Post max loads and reps to comments.
by Michael Stanwyck, WLC staff
The other day I had a personal emergency. It started at about 9am and took up most of my day, until about 2:00 in the morning. I had to leave work to do something urgent and important with my family. And it got me thinking, how much do we give up about ourselves when there are emergencies that involve other people?
I noticed that most of the day I didn't feel like I had the right to focus any attention on what I needed. What was happening was pressing and present and needed real focus. However, because I am in the middle of the Whole Life Challenge, it also had me thinking about myself and the promise I made to myself. The context of the game made me think about how it could work. And I realized something. I realized that for a moment, the world can wait.
I'm not talking about a self-righteous or defiant "the world can wait," but an understanding that not only can I take an hour and do everything I need to do, but that my world won't come unglued in an hour. More importantly, it will actually work better if I work better. I am more reliably a contribution if I am taken care of too. The world can wait.
It took communication, and sometimes that's the hardest part (the moment of "selfishness"). But even that can be a contribution. At 6:00pm, when we had been going at things for about 9 hours, I told everyone that I needed to go home, make some dinner, and take care of some things. My mom said, "you know, we need to eat too."
I took that hour to go home, calmly prepare dinner, go for a 10 minute run with my girlfriend, take a shower, sit down and eat together, and get back to business. If it hadn't been for that hour (it actually ended up being closer to two), I would have made it to 2:00am, but I wouldn't have been happy. I would have been resentful. It would have affected how I dealt with the issue at hand. With the two hours, I was complete. I didn't need much - my promise to myself was kept, I felt taken care of, and my commitment to my family was honored.
This kind of fractious stuff happens all the time. You can plan for the events that you know about, but you can't even begin to plan for the events you don't know about. When they happen, do you give up the right to care about yourself? Believe me, the world can wait. It's actually crazy to believe that it can't.
The world will always insist it can't wait. Work emergencies, family demands, a ticking clock, even the person behind you in traffic insist that you keep their pace. You still need things like exercise, a moment to fix a real meal for yourself, time with your kids, a chance finally to clean your home so that you feel like you can live there. It's completely up to you. You won't ever find time; you'll have to make time.
And today, I leave you with a bit of William Blake's Auguries of Innocence:
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Take your time.
I promise you, the world can wait.
I noticed that most of the day I didn't feel like I had the right to focus any attention on what I needed. What was happening was pressing and present and needed real focus. However, because I am in the middle of the Whole Life Challenge, it also had me thinking about myself and the promise I made to myself. The context of the game made me think about how it could work. And I realized something. I realized that for a moment, the world can wait.
I'm not talking about a self-righteous or defiant "the world can wait," but an understanding that not only can I take an hour and do everything I need to do, but that my world won't come unglued in an hour. More importantly, it will actually work better if I work better. I am more reliably a contribution if I am taken care of too. The world can wait.
It took communication, and sometimes that's the hardest part (the moment of "selfishness"). But even that can be a contribution. At 6:00pm, when we had been going at things for about 9 hours, I told everyone that I needed to go home, make some dinner, and take care of some things. My mom said, "you know, we need to eat too."
I took that hour to go home, calmly prepare dinner, go for a 10 minute run with my girlfriend, take a shower, sit down and eat together, and get back to business. If it hadn't been for that hour (it actually ended up being closer to two), I would have made it to 2:00am, but I wouldn't have been happy. I would have been resentful. It would have affected how I dealt with the issue at hand. With the two hours, I was complete. I didn't need much - my promise to myself was kept, I felt taken care of, and my commitment to my family was honored.
This kind of fractious stuff happens all the time. You can plan for the events that you know about, but you can't even begin to plan for the events you don't know about. When they happen, do you give up the right to care about yourself? Believe me, the world can wait. It's actually crazy to believe that it can't.
The world will always insist it can't wait. Work emergencies, family demands, a ticking clock, even the person behind you in traffic insist that you keep their pace. You still need things like exercise, a moment to fix a real meal for yourself, time with your kids, a chance finally to clean your home so that you feel like you can live there. It's completely up to you. You won't ever find time; you'll have to make time.
And today, I leave you with a bit of William Blake's Auguries of Innocence:
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Take your time.
I promise you, the world can wait.
135 max CJ (not taken from the rack in case you were wondering)
110 reps on the WOD -
I just love the WLC blog post today! What a wonderful reminder to take care of me! How easily we forget that in the midst of our craziness.
Thanks again for the awesome blog posts!
Bill I have seen the same thing done many times :)
Great job on the 20+ on the last round but the big star would have to go to "Super Sandy"
I agree Brooke! Much needed words for me today (okay, everyday these days)!
Hope everyone had a great weekend and looking forward to getting back to the Carport tonight.
Well the physical exhaustion was transparent in the WOD today and I did not have enough mental strength to overcome it. I should have listend to my body this morning when it said sleep but the selfish side said "shane your Jerks suck" therefore I went to the box. Next time I will not silence body.
Hopefully I will see everyone tomorrow.
Shane , look at it like this your push press is going up fast :)
It is hard to shake off a non "CAT" WOD but it will show your team spirt to put forth your best effort next time.
"CAT"=carport amphitheater team
Yes Drew I definitley was enclosed today, but if I am allowed tomorrow, it will be a new day for different results!
wod for tomorrow:
00:00 Run 800M holding a 25/15# plate. Must use a "pinch grip"
10:00 Sprint 100M
12:00 Sprint 100M
14:00 Sprint 100M
16:00 Sprint 100M
18:00 Sprint 100M
20:00 Run 400M holding a 25/15# plate. Must use a "pinch grip"
When you return to the gym, you have until 30:00 to complete as many Ring Dips as Possible.
105 c&j = PR.
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