Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Run and Ring Dip

00:00 Run 800M carrying a 25#/15# plate, must use pinch grip
10:00 Sprint 100 M
12:00 Sprint 100 M
14:00 Sprint 100 M
16:00 Sprint 100 M
18:00 Sprint 100 M
20:00 Run 400 M carrying a 25#/15# plate, must use pinch grip

When you return to the gym, you will have until 30:00 to complete as many ring dips as possible.

Post 800M time, fastest 100M time, and # of ring dips to comments.

How to Plan Your Meals for a Week


bill said...

hooocheeemama - that wasn't a cake walk.
rx 4.39 800 meter - 13.65 100 meter - 50 ring dips

Guess who's back this a.m.??? Sam! Good to see you back at the Carport my friend.

Unknown said...

Sam the stiff
Bill u need to take him under your wing in the "longevity " protocol

Unknown said...

Good to be back mentally and physically Also good to see Sam back!

330/12/61 RX

Unknown said...

I have to redo my labs without exercise again. I guess I will be out the rest of this week so I can get them done Monday morning. See you guys Tuesday then!

Brooke said...

Note to self- may not be the best idea to drink a diet dr. Pepper, and, a diet mt. Dew during the most borrrrrriiiinngg conference ever to keep from doing a face plant on my table. Makes for a barfarama sprint and running wod. And yes, WLC's, I did drink those. Gasp. :)

Judy Ranelli said...

800M - 4:58
100M - :19
Ring dips, red band - 50

Jennifer said...

Whew -This was a humdinger!

Mr. Pukey was definitely hanging out during those sprints (my 4:30 lunch was NOT a good idea)! Happy to see Libby at a 5:30 class.