15 minutes to establish 10-rep max Front Squat
- then -
5 rounds for max reps of:
30 sec Muscle Ups
30 sec Hang Squat Cleans, 100% 10RM FS
30 sec Lateral Hops
30 sec Rest
Post max load and reps to comments.
by Andy Petranek, creator of the WLC
This week I'd like to talk about something that I first read about in Tim Ferris' book, "The 4-Hour Body" called 'Minimum Effective Dose.'
Here it is in a nutshell… Do as LITTLE as possible to get the effect or result you want. Makes sense, right? I mean why bother doing MORE than you really need to? The funny thing is that people do it all the time without even thinking about it. They're on auto-pilot, putting in the time (usually a minimum of 60 minutes) day after day, rather thank experimenting with spending less time, doing the same amount of work or less, and maybe even achieving more!
What if you could ratchet up the intensity, reduce the amount of rest, and get your 60 minutes of workout finished in less than 20 minutes? Or less than 10 minutes? Would that interest you? You betcha!
It did me… When I first started doing shorter, higher intensity workouts, I came from the mindset that if I didn't have 60 minutes (or more) to train, it just wasn't worth it. I can tell you from personal experience that 20 minutes (or less) might be all you need!
The WLC presents you with an incredibly great opportunity to experiment with this.
I'd like you to go into your 10 minute workouts this week thinking, "This is ALL I get to do today. What do I have to do to squeeze every little ounce of opportunity out of these 10(+) minutes?" This means means no cell phone, no TV watching or reading a magazine… this is 10 minutes of PURE FOCUS. Come on… you can do it for 10 minutes, right? Let's see!
Wow I can feed my whole family grits and eggs all week for what it cost for me to eat it once at brookewood hospital.
But is a great place to stay
Baby girl is doing awesome today!! Her respirations are almost to that "normal" mark. They were between 60-75 and the goal is 40-60. Also, she is breathing room air with a little assistance from the CPAP machine. Yay!! As soon as she is off that, she can start nursing. Once she can breathe, eat, and hold her own body temp she is free to go!
Great to hear Amber!!!!
Great news Amber! Can't wait to meet her!
Sorry all for the gallywomped image I took of the wod board tonight. (That word is courtesy of Bill Myers)
Tomorrow's wod is:
10 rounds for max reps
30 sec L-pull-ups
30 sec Rest
-then -
4 rounds for reps of:
30 sec T2B
30 sec KBS, 1.5/1pd
30 sec SDHP, 1.5/1pd
30 sec Burpees
30 sec Rest
Post total L Pull-ups completed and total reps from AMRAP to comments.
Woohoo baby Hill!!!! I know you all are happy she is getting stronger Amber :-) It felt good to get back in the gym tonight, thats fo sho!!
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