Monday, September 23, 2013

Press x 1, Push Press x 3, Jerk x 5

7 min to establish 1 rep max Press
7 min to establish 3 rep max Push Press
7 min to establish 5 rep max Jerk
Score is total of max lifts.

- then -

3 rounds for max reps of
45 sec Burpees
15 sec Rest
45 sec Wallball shots
15 sec rest

Post max loads, score, and reps to comments.

by Andy Petranek, creator or WLC 

Remember, what we're working on developing is your "Show Up Muscle".  What's that mean?  It means that every day, in spite of how you're feeling and all the other things going on in your life that allow you to make the excuse "I'm too busy", that you're practicing SHOWING UP for yourself.  It almost doesn't matter WHAT you do... what matters is that you DO - take action.

Think of it like this... you're on a journey, an expedition, with a group of people... and the only way you get to your checkpoints each day (and ultimately your destination) is by doing the simple, often mundane tasks that move you forward down the trail - pitch campsite (tent, sleeping bag, food, clothes, fire, stove) take care of feet, boil water, cook meals, strike campsite, load gear into pack, carry it to your next destination... all this - day after day after day.  Those tasks are not fun, in fact, far from it.  And yet the satisfaction you get from doing them your survival and continuation of your expedition require it.  

That's like your trip through the next 8-weeks in the WLC.  One thing you may find... as you focus on the daily, mundane tasks like exercise and mobilize... that your destination becomes less important than the steps you take every day to move forward.  As I like to remind myself, the joy is IN the journey, not in the destination.   

What does that mean for the WLC?  Only 10 minutes of workout/exercise each day.  You can do it, I KNOW you can! 


Unknown said...

Finally a PR on my shoulder press! 70#

Must be all that black coffee I've been drinking.

Unknown said...

well apparently my math was bad this morning but the workout was good:

185 PR/195/185=465

19/20/15/18/15/19=106-I think I said 96???

Either way good to see coach this morning and great to hear updates on the baby and Amber!

Great job on the PR Tonya!

bill said...

100/105/115 80 reps on cash out. I should have gone for broke at the outset instead of burning calories on working up to max effort during the day I'll learn.
Good to hear a first hand account from Coach Drew on Amber and Kimberly.

bill said...

Kimberly Drew Hill's birthday verse - The spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life
Job 33.4

Amber said...

Kimberly Drew is doing better! She is out of the oxygen hood and on a CPAP machine. Her respirations are still a little irregular but much better than yesterday. She's staying around 60-80 breaths per min. CPAP is giving her 27% oxygen and they will decrease that as her need for it decreases.
I got to change her and take her temp early this morning. Drew and I went to see her again around 10 and I got to hold her!!

Eddie Allen said...

Congratulations to Coaches Hill. Can't wait to meet Kimberly.

Tonya...I must not be drinking enough black coffee!! I was weak and weak this morning.

Way to go Shane!! Triple digits.

Oatie said...

After my 22 miles yesterday I am going to take the day off. Drew & Amber, I am so glad to hear baby Kimberly is doing better and you are getting to hold & love on that angel!! :-)

Amber said...

Thanks so much, Bill!!

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod is:

15 minutes to establish 10- rep max Front Squat

- then -

5 rounds for max reps of:
30 sec Muscle Ups
30 sec Hang Squat Cleans, 100% 10RM FS
30 sec Lateral Hops
30 sec Rest

Puma said...

125#/145#/150#=420# and 85 reps on WB/burpees. Pretty good day.

Jonathan said...

135/165/175=475, 92 reps on wod. (at open gym)